Links |
Disclaimer: While we at For an Answer do our best to examine the material on the following websites, their appearance on this page does not constitute our endorsement of all beliefs expressed there. "Prove all things; hold to what is good" (1 Thess. 5:21).
Middlebrow (John Mark Reynolds)
Deeper Waters (Nick Peters)
Apologetics Links:
Access Research Network (Intelligent Design thinktank)
Alpha and Omega Ministries (James White)
Ankerberg Theological Research
Apologetics Index (from Gospelcom)Armchair Scholar Answers to Jehovah's Witnesses
Michael Behe's Page (at Access Research Network)
Berean Christian MinistriesThe Bible Page (Chad Uretsky)
Bible Query (
Biblical Studies Foundation (evangelical scholarship from Dallas Theological Seminary)
Center for Biblical Apologetics (Robert Bowman)
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (Matt Slick)
Christian Beliefs (A. Allison Lewis)
Christian Research and Evangelism (Dave Sherrill)
Christian Research Institute (Hank Hanegraaff)
Christianity (Gareth Campbell)
Christus Nexus (Ed Komoszewski)
Comments From The Friends (Don Reed)
Concerned Christians Bringing the Biblical Jesus to Latter Day Saints
Covenant Media Foundation (Greg Bahnsen)
William Lane Craig's Virtual Office
The Department of Christian Defense (Edward Dalcour)
Design Inference Website (William Dembski)
Discovery Institute (Intelligent Design thinktank)
Faith Defenders (Robert Morey)
Freeminds (Randall Watters)
Greasy Theologian (Nick Peters)
Barry Hofstetter's Latin & Theology Page
Institute for Religious Research
Interactive Bible (
International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design
Phillip Johnson's Page (at Access Research Network)
K & K Ministries (Kevin & Kathleen Quick's outreach to Jehovah's Witnesses)
Living Waters (Ray Comfort)
Steven C. Meyer's Page (at Access Research Network)
Mormonism Research Ministry  
New Testament Research Ministries (Eric Svendsen's answers to Catholic Apologists & others)
Origins (Intelligent Design and Philosophical Theism)
Please Convince Me (Jim Wallace)
Reasoning From The Scriptures (Ron Rhodes)
Reasons to Believe (Hugh Ross)
Resource Center for Theological Research (Jeff Downs)
REVEAL (ICC Information)
Spotlight Ministries (Vincent McCann)
Stand To Reason (Greg Koukl)
Tektonics Apologetics Ministries (J.P. Holding)
Tetragrammaton.Org (Resources on the Divine Name in the Bible)
Utah Lighthouse Ministry Jerald and Sandra Tanner
Jonathan Wells' Page (at Access Research Network)
The Whyman (Jesus is the Reason Why)
Jehovah's Witnesses for Jehovah God (Witnesses for Jesus, Inc.)
Theology Links
Abate Not
Agape Chapel Ministries
All of GraceAlliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Calvinist Worldview
Center For Reformed Theology and Apologetics
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Dave Clark's Reformed Theology Page
Calvin's CastleChristian Resources
C. R. A. B.Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms
Creeds of Christendom
Darkness to LightElectronic New Testament Educational Resources (Felix Just)
The Essential George Whitefield
The Evangelical Bishop: The J. C. Ryle Book Shelf
Evangelical Presbyterian Church Magazine
Fire and Ice - Puritan and Reformed writings
The Fundamentals
The Founders Online
Genevan Institute
Grace Community Church (John MacArthur)
Grace to You (John MacArthur's Radio Ministry)
Hall of Church HistoryHellrazer Bible Studies explain the true method of salvation
In Depth StudiesInsight for Living (Chuck Swindoll)
Necessity of Reforming the Church
New Testament Research MinistriesPeace with God
John Piper's Notes
A Puritan's Mind
Quiet PlaceReformed Bookmark
Reformation Heritage Books
Reformation Ink
Reformed Reader
Reformed Websites
Reformed Witness
Reformed Sermons
Reign of GraceRenewing Your Mind (R.C. Sproul)
Rich's Home Page of Reformed Theology
Sola Scriptura
Solo Christo
Sovereign Grace Home Page
Sovereign Grace Theology
Spurgeon Archive
Stones Cry Out
Theo-centricTheological Studies (Michael J. Vlach)
Truth for Eternity MinistriesTruth for Life (Alistair Begg)
21st Century Puritan
The Voice of Heritage
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (The leading evangelical scholarly journal online)
Bible Studies on the Web (Online theological journal)
Bible Study Tools Online (Online Research Site)
E-Sword (Recommended! My favorite free Bible software package)
E-Sword Original Languages Library
Berean Bible Includes ESV, NASB, NKJV, and other Bibles free!
Greek Grammar (based on Mounce & Wallace)
The Institute of Biblical Greek
NET Bible (New English Translation)
Advanced Christian Education
Institute of Theological Studies (Quality, seminary-level courses for independent study)
Christian University Globalnet (Gospelcom's catalog of educational institutions and programs)
The Theology Program (Biblical Studies Foundation)
The Christian Apologetics Program (Biola University)
Leadership University (Campus Crusade for Christ)
Christian Colleges (An aggregate of accredited on-campus and on-line degree programs offered by leading Universities and Bible Colleges)