The Gospel According to Paul
Lesson Outlines
The following files are from the Romans class held at Shepherd's Community Church, Canoga Park, California in 2003. Each file is in MS Word 97 format. Click on each link to download the associated file. If you have problems downloading any of the files, try right-clicking on the link and selecting "Save Target as..." If this still doesn't work, please email me at [email protected].
Week 1 - Why Romans?
Week 2 - Paul and the Roman Church
Section 1 - The Righteousness of God
Week 3 - Paul's Greeting, Part 1
Week 4 - Paul's Greeting, Part 2
Week 5 - Paul's Concern for the Roman Church, Part 2
Week 6 - Paul's Concern for the Roman Church, Part 2 and the Theme of the Letter
Week 7 - God's Wrath Revealed from Heaven, Part 1
Week 8 - God's Wrath Revealed from Heaven, Part 2
Week 9 - The Jews are Without Excuse and God is Impartial
Week 10 - Jews, Gentiles, and the Law
Week 11 - The Jews and the Law
Week 12 - Jewish Privileges and their Limitations; All Are Under Sin
Section 2 - Righteousness and Justification by Faith
Week 13 - Justification by Faith
Week 14 - Justification and the Law
Week 15 - Faith versus Works in Abraham's Justification
Week 16 - Faith versus Circumcision and the Law in Abraham's Justification
Week 17 - Abraham Lived by Faith, Not by Sight
Week 18 - Justification in Paul and James
Week 19 - Justification by Faith Secures Final Salvation
Week 20 - Eternal Life in Christ, the Second Adam
Week 21 - Released from Sin�s Power
22 - Released from Sin�s Power Through
Section 3 - The Law, The Spirit, and Sanctification
Week 23 - Freed from Sin, Enslaved to God
Week 24 - Freed from Bondage to the Law
Week 25 - The Coming of the Law
Week 26 - The Struggle of Life Under the Law
Week 27 - The Spirit of Life - Part 1
Week 28 - The Spirit of Life - Part 2
Week 29 - The Spirit of Life - Part 3
Week 30 - The Spirit of Life - Part 4
Week 31 - The Spirit of Adoption
Week 32 - The Spirit of Glory - Part 1
Week 33 - The Spirit of Glory - Part 2
Week 34 - The Spirit of Glory - Part 3
Week 35 - Our Security in Christ - Part 1
Week 36 - Our Security in Christ - Part 2
Week 37 - Review - Chapters 1 - 8
38 - The Church and Israel � An Introduction to Chapter 9
39 -
Week 40 - Israel and the Plan of God � God�s Call and the Patriarchs
41 - Israel and the Plan of God � The Justice of God
42 - Israel and the Plan of God � God�s Call and the Prophets
Week 43 - Israel and the Plan of God � God�s Righteousness vs the Jews� Righteousness - Part 1
44 - Israel and the Plan of God � God�s
Righteousness vs the Jews� �Righteousness - Part 2
Week 45 - Israel�s Failure to Believe
Week 46 - God�s Continuing Faithfulness to Israel � the Remnant
Week 47 - All Israel Will Be Saved � Part 1
Week 48 - All Israel Will Be Saved - Part 2
Week 49 - All Israel Will Be Saved - Part 3
Week 50 - All Israel Will Be Saved - Part 4
Section 4 - Practical Application
Week 51 - The Transforming Power of the Gospel
Week 52 - Our Place in the Body of Christ
Week 53 - Manifesting Genuine Love Toward Fellow Believers
Week 54 - Manifesting Genuine Love Toward Non-Believers - The Cross and the Crescent
Week 55 - Submission to Authorities
Week 56 - Christian Debts
Week 57 - The Christian and the Law
Week 58 - Living in the Light of the Day
Week 59 - Receive the Weaker Brother (Rom 14:1-23 Part 1)
Week 60 - Unity in the Church - Part 1 (Receive the Weaker Brother)
Week 61 - Unity in the Church - Part 2
Week 62 - Unity in the Church Part 3
Week 63 - The Mature Church and Apostolic Instruction
Section 5 - Paul's Farewell
Week 64 - Fully Preaching the Gospel of Christ
Week 65 - Paul's Desire to Come to Rome
Week 66 - Paul's Greetings and Love Expressed - Part 1
Week 67 - Paul's Greetings and Love Expressed - Part 2
Week 68 - Paul's Greetings and Love Expressed - Part 3
Week 69 - Paul's Greetings and Love Expressed - Part 4
Week 70 - Warning Against False Teachers - Part 1
Week 71 - Warning Against False Teachers - Part 2
Week 72 - Final Greetings
Week 73 - Doxology